This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Sitaram can milk his buffalo early in the morning!

Dear Sculpt the Future,

Sitaram lives with his wife and son in Thali Ki Dhani near the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan, India. This village is not officially registered with the state and therefore does not have electricity. Also, the people were cheated by contractors who took the money and did not install the lights. There is even water scarcity in this area and the villagers are unable to use the fields.

Sitaram’s main source of income is the milk from the buffalo he owns. He sells this milk to the nearby shops and villagers. He and his family were very happy to have light in their homes for the first time thanks to Sculpt the Future Foundation. The main advantage of the lantern is that he can use it while milking the cows early in the morning and does not have to worry about carrying the kerosene lamps.

Thank you for giving Sitaram and his family a chance!

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