This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Saroj dreams of starting a sewing business!

Rameshwar Lal
Dear Sculpt the Future,

Saroj is a housewife in the village of Thali Ki Dhani in Rajasthan, India. This village has no electricity and many use crudely made kerosene lamps that emit smoke, hurting their lungs and eyes. Saroj has ambitions of starting a sewing business to make shirts and blouses, but cannot do so at night and must use the daylight to cook and do household work.

Luckily, The Restoring Force supplies households like Saroj’s with solar lamps that do not emit smoke and require solely sunlight to work. Typically, Saroj cannot be productive after the sun sets, but with a solar lamp she can have a more flexible schedule and cook when she pleases.

Because of your support, Sculpt the Future, Saroj can now start her sewing business because she can cook and work under the light of her solar lamp. The lamp does not harm her or cost money to maintain, unlike the old kerosene lamps. Saroj is very happy to have more independence and the ability to support her family. Thank you again, Sculpt the Future, for improving Saroj’s life and helping her reach her goals.

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