This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Solar lantern helps Shanti to see better at night!

Dear Sculpt the Future,

Shanti lives in the village of Kanjra Ki Dhani near Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. She lives with her two sons, who are 39 and 30 years old. Shanti has poor eye sight and struggles to see at night. Shanti could not walk alone at night or see within her home because of the lack of light.

The Restoring Force provides solar lanterns for households in need like Shanti’s. Shanti has to cook and do all of her work before the sun sets because she cannot see. With a solar lantern, Shanti and her sons do not have to spend money on kerosene for the lamps and can work after the sun sets.

Thank you, Sculpt the Future, for providing Shanti with this new opportunity. With the lamp, she can visit neighbors and work at night. She is no longer pressured to finish cooking and chores before the sun sets. Thanks, again, Sculpt the Future, for supporting The Restoring Force and Shanti to have a better life.

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