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Vijay Singh can imagine the transformation that the solar lantern will bring

DSCN0639-Mr. Mrs Vijay Singh1
Dear Mash,

Thank you for donating a solar lantern to Vijay Singh and his family.

Vijay Singh an elder farmer in the village of Dadanpura in Rajasthan is thrilled to have solar lamp in his village. He says his generation has lived in darkness but he wants his children and future generations to benefit from the fruits of electricity and he hopes the solar lantern will pave way for this. He feels that children can now study for more hours and people in his village will have more time to socialize. Earlier, people never had time to socialize as they were busy working the whole day and at night they never went out. But now, they have time to attend social gatherings after the sunset and also the security at night had increased.

Thank you for bringing about a change in Vijay Singh’s life.

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Give $45 » Donate a solar lantern that can provide up to six hours of high quality light for a family.

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