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Nirmala Kanwar can now milk her goats in the light of the Solar Lamp

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Dear Prasad,

Thank you for gifting a solar lantern to Nirmala Kanwar.

Nirmala Kanwar lives with her father Lakhan Singh and two brothers in the tiny village of Dadanpura in the state of Rajasthan, India. Life is very tough as the village does not have any basic amenities. There is no electricity, school or hospitals. Being the only lady in the house she has to manage the household chores and also milk the goats which is their major source of income.

With the generous donation of a solar lantern Nirmala can now milk her goats early in the morning under the lights of the lantern. The goats also give more milk as by getting up early, the goats can be fed more before day breaks. It is also easy for her to carry and she does not have to worry about the wind blowing it or the fumes. The whole family is delighted to have light in their home.

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