This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Ashok and Reena now have music in their life

Reena Ashok -IMG_3153 (1)
Dear Howard,

Ashok Nath lives in the village of Saper Basti near Jaipur, Rajastan, with his wife, Reena, and 8 month old son. He is a Beldar (mason), by trade, and is slightly better off than theĀ other residents of the village, in that they live in a mud hut. Since the village is not electrified, they depend on oil lamps for light. They also collect dry wood for burning from near the river which is often dry.

Your donation, Howard, enabled The Restoring Force to donate a solar lantern to Ashok and Reena. Now they have light at night, and don’t have to be worried about the dark.
Ashok and his wife like listening to Rajasthani songs on their mobile phone which has a built in radio. They could not do it often, however, since they have to travel long distance to get the phone charged as there was no electricity in the village. Now Ashok will be able to charge the mobile phone from the Solar Lantern.
Thank you, Howard, for your generosity.

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