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Kalu’s seen his wife smiling for the first time in her life

Kalu and Nandu IMG_3139
Dear Rahul,

Kalu and his wife Nandu live in Sapera Basti near the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan. Sapera Basti can barely qualify as a village- it is a settlement of 11 families, with all the property belonging to the local Panchayat. No electrical power lines run into the village, and neither does the village boast of a school, a healthcare centre or even shops. The residents of Sapera Basti have to go to the village of Chaksu, which is 5 kilometres away, for all their basis necessities.

Kalu is a resident of Sapera Basti, and he works as a daily laborer in Chaksu. The meager amount that he earns is not enough to run his household, and he has been on the lookout for some means to supplement his income. Despite being skilled with his hands, he could not take up any additional work because it would be dark before he got home, and there was little he could do in the absence of light.

Your generous donation of a solar lantern, Rahul, has enabled Kalu to take up the job of making fishing nets in the evenings. He is confident that this will give a steady source of additional income, so he can his family can improve their standard of living.

His wife, Nandu, is also very happy with the solar lantern. Now, she can cook food even after sunset, without having to worry either about putting in the wrong ingredients or about insects falling into the food. She loves the fact that she can now serve piping hot meals to her husband, who says, “I have never seen my wife so happy since we have got married. I have seen this smile on her face for the first time.”

Thank you, Rahul, for giving Kalu and Nandu so much happiness.


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