This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Durgesh can now study at night!

Durgesh (on the right) with a friend
Dear William,

14 year old Durgesh is thrilled to have a new solar lantern that will improve his quality of life!  Durgesh lives just outside the city of Gurgaon, and is the son of a day laborer.  Durgesh and his father live in a temporary home without electricity.  Before receiving the solar lantern, Durgesh struggled to complete his homework, as he and his father had to share a poor quality gas lantern.  Not only do gas lanterns provide weak light, the smoke they release can be very harmful if inhaled over long periods of time.  With his new solar lantern, Durgesh and his father have plenty of light, lasting up to six hours each evening!  With his new opportunities, Durgesh says “now I can study and be a rich man someday!”  Thank you for your support of Durgesh and The Restoring Force.

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