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Mobile phone helps Phula Devi stay in touch with her Employers!!

Phula Devi with her new phone
Dear Yosia,

Phula Devi lives with her husband Ram Swaroop in Beed Pinarpura, a village near Rajasthan. Most of the men in this village work on daily wages and their income does not always suffice to meet their basic needs.

To provide sustainable livelihood to such families living below poverty line, the Government has introduced a scheme called MNREGA (The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act). Under this scheme, all adult members who volunteer to do unskilled manual work are guaranteed hundred days of wage-employment in a given financial year.

This program thus, provides the perfect platform for women in the village who can earn an additional income and support their families. With miles to walk to reach a local phone booth, these women often missed out on job opportunities as they had no other means of communicating with the MNREGA authorities.

Phula Devi was thrilled to receive a mobile phone, thanks to your generous donation, Yosia. She now uses her new phone to correspond with the MNREGA authorities who keep her updated on upcoming vacancies.

Thank you, Yosia, for your support of Phula Devi. Thanks to your gift, she now looks forward to working and earning more to support her family.

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