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Solar Lantern helps keep rats at bay

Kamala Devi with her new Solar Lantern
Dear Cole,

Kamala Devi lives with her husband Ram Lal and 3 children Ramesh, Mukesh and Lalitha in a village called Beed Pinarpura which is near the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan, India.

This village of 17 families has no electricity and the nearest road is one kilometer away. The village has a hand pump that the villagers use to collect water but the water barely suffices to meet the needs of all 17 families. Besides this, the hand pump is mostly out of order. The nearest village Chaksu is 4 kilometers away and the villagers have to commute all the way to access any medical facility, marketplace or the police station.

With the lack of basic amenities, your thoughtful gift of a solar lantern, Cole, has come as a blessing for Kamala Devi and her family. The children are excited as they can now study in the evenings. Cooking dinner has become much easier with the light of the Lantern and most importantly, the light of the lantern helps keep rats at bay. The village is infested with rats that often bite the children and adults in the night and even destroy their food and clothes.

Thanks to your generous gift, Kamala Devi’s family can now sleep in peace at night without worrying about being bitten by rats.

Thank you, Cole, for this gift of light that has brought much peace and joy to this household!

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