This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Sundar Devi can now walk home fearlessly!

Sundar Devi with her children
Dear Peter,

Sundar Devi lives with her three children Reshma, Hansraj and Jagdish in Beed Pinarpura a village near the city of Jaipur in India. Her husband works as a driver in Jaipur and visits the family only infrequently. To supplement her income, Sundar Devi works in the fields. She wakes up at dawn and cooks for the entire family, before leaving for the fields with her children. She gets home only after nightfall.

Earlier she was scared to return late from the fields, because she was not able to see her way. But now that your generous donation, Peter, has enabled TRF to give her a solar lantern, she can carry that with her to the fields and use it to light her path. After getting back home, she can also cook under the light of the same lantern, thereby saving on the cost of purchasing kerosene to put in her lamps.

Thank you, Peter, for making Sundar Devi’s life more comfortable.

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