This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Shakuntala Devi’s son wouldn’t start a fire accidentally

Shakuntala Devi with her new Solar Lantern
Dear Rajinder,

Shakuntala Devi lives with her husband Chanda Lal and son in Beed Pinarpura a tiny village near the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan. There is no electricity in this village and the people depend on kerosene lamps for the light. Her husband works as a motor mechanic and therefore they do not have a fixed monthly income. A major portion of their monthly income went in buying oil for their kerosene lamp.

Shakuntala Devi used to spend a lot of time cleaning and filling the lamp, and was always worried that her two-year old son would knock it over and either start a fire or get burnt himself.

Your generous donation, Rajinder, enabled The Restoring Force to donate a solar lantern to Shakuntala Devi. She can not only save the money she used to spend on buying oil, she no longer has to worry about her son knocking the lamp over.

Thank you, Rajinder, for bringing cheap, clean light into Shakuntala Devi’s life.

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