This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Seema dreams of working in a big city!

Seema with her new solar lantern
Dear Tanya,

Gyarsi Lal, a labourer, lives with his wife and four children in Beed Pinarpura, a tiny village near the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan. There is no school in the village, and very few people are literate. Gyarsi Lal’s youngest daughter, Seema, is a bright child, who loves studies. The nearest school is in a neighboring village,  and she walks nearly three miles a day to get to school and back.

Since there was no electricity in the village, Seema always found it difficult to do her homework. Night falls early in the village, and ran the risk of spoiling her eyesight by studying in the light of the lamp.

Thanks to your donation, Tanya, The Restoring Force was able to donate a solar lantern to the family. Now Seema can study late into the night. She dreams of graduating from high school and taking up a job in the big city. With the solar lantern to light her life, she may well achieve her dreams.

Thank you, Tanya, for allowing Seema to dream big.

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