This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Chirangi Devi can increase her monthly income!

Dear Khalid,

Chirangi Devi has lived her entire life in the tiny village of Beed Pinarpura in Rajasthan. The village of seventeen families has never known electricity, and kerosene/ oil lamps are their only source of light. Not only are the lamps polluting,  Chirangi Devi’s family spends nearly a fifth of their monthly income on buying oil. Life has always been hard for her, since she has to run the household on the small income that her husband, Dev Narayan, earns by working as a labourer on minimum wages.

Chirangi Devi has often thought of taking on extra work to supplement the family income, but has not been able to do so because she was constrained to work only during daylight hours. Now that your donation, Khalid Siddiqui, has enabled her to get a solar lantern the number of productive hours in her day has effectively gone up. While earlier, she had to hurry to complete the household chores before sunset, she can now stay up late and work. She plans to grind flour and sell to the nearby villages thereby increasing the monthly income of the family.

Thank you, Khalid Siddiqui, for making such a huge difference in Chirangi Devi’s life.

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