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Mobile phone helps Chittar Singh to talk with his children!

Chittar Singh and his wife with their new mobile phone
Dear Peter,

Chittar Singh lives with his wife Teeja Devi in Beed Pinarpura a village near Jaipur in Rajasthan. He is 75 years old. His eyesight is very weak and he can hardly see. He has two sons who work as labourers in New Delhi. They send money to him every month. As neither of them can work any longer, they have to manage on the small amount they receive from their children.

Chittar Singh and Teeja Devi were delighted to receive a mobile phone thanks to your generous donation. They were excited about operating it and you could see their happiness when they made their first phone call to their sons in Delhi.

They feel that having a mobile phone has lots of advantages since they are both very old, and in case of an emergency, they can contact their children immediately. Teeja Devi is also excited about being able to talk to her sons without having to travel several miles to the nearest public call booth as she earlier had to.

Thank you, Peter, for enabling Chittar Singh and Teeja Devi to stay in touch with their sons.

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