This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Sridev Singh is delighted to have light in his house!

Sridev Singh with his family
Dear Susan,

Thanks to your wonderful gift of a Solar Lantern, Sridev Singh is able to use fumeless light for the first time in his entire life. He lives in a joint family with his wife, two sons, daughter-in-laws and three grandchildren in a remote village in India called Munj Ka Pura.

The village does not have electricity, proper roads or hospitals. The main source of income in this tiny village is farming. But due to scarce rainfall that falls for a few days in a year, the family barely manages to grow enough to meet their needs. The Solar Lantern has now become a beacon of hope for this family and the entire village.

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