This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Solar Lantern brings hope to Raghunath’s family

Raghunath Singh with his sons
Dear Dorothy,

Raghunath lives with his wife Kranti Bai and three sons Prem Singh, Shiv Narayan and Lakhan Singh in Munj Ka Pur,a a village in Rajasthan. Like many others in this tiny village their main source of income is farming. He was unable to send his elder sons to school due to the lack of funds. He hopes his youngest son Lakhan Singh will be able to study and work for a better future.

The village has not had electricity for the past 100 years and therefore the villagers cannot spend more time in the farms as they have to return before sunset.

With the generous donation of a solar lantern by Dorothy, Raghunath hopes that his son will be able to devote more time to his studies. His wife is delighted that she will be able to cook in the dark. As the solar lantern has a mobile charging facility his sons can also use a mobile phone to check the rates of their produce in the market and get better rates for it.

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