This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Ram Kala is happy to have a few more hours of light!

Ram Kala with her new Solar Lantern
Dear Vincent,

Ram Kala has lived her entire life without electricity. In Munj Ka Pura life starts very early, getting food ready for the day, and then leaving for the fields with her husband Mange Lal and son Ilkar Singh. Due to the scarce rainfall, the family barely manages to grow enough to meet their needs. They all return by 6 pm and quickly prepare dinner before the sun sets.

Thanks to the generous donation of a Solar Lantern by Vincent, Ram Kala will have many more hours each evening to prepare dinner in the light of the lantern! She can cook her dinner and does not have to worry about rushing home.  Thank you for your support!

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Give $45 » Donate a solar lantern that can provide up to six hours of high quality light for a family.

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