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Madan Singh improves his earnings with the new Solar Lantern

Madan Singh with his new Solar Lantern
Dear Kenneth,

Madan earns his living by milking goats in Munj Ka Pura, a tiny village in Rajasthan, India. This village is made up of only 42 families, most of which work in the fields to earn their living. However due to the scarce rainfall in this part of India, farming does not earn them much money.

Madan raises goats in order to support his wife and two children. However, due to lack of electricity in this village, milking the goats early in the morning was a very difficult process for Madan. He either had to wait till dawn to milk the goats or use his expensive oil lamp.

Kenneth, thanks for your generous donation of a solar lantern! Now, Madan can milk the goats early in the morning as well as in the evening. Madan is very excited about his new solar lantern!

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