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Solar lantern makes life easier for Jagannath

Jagannath with his family
Dear Bradley,

Jagannath lives with his wife, Hariya, and brother, Kallu, in Munj Ka Pura. Munj Ka Pura is a remote village bordering the states of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in India.

Jagannath makes his living as a ragpicker. Everyday he walks to a nearby village to collect and sell rags, returning back late in the evening. As Munj Ka Pura does not have electricity or roads, traveling was very difficult for Jagannath.

With the generous donation of a solar lantern by Bradley, life became much easier for Jagannath. He uses the solar lantern to travel in the morning and night, allowing him to spend more time selling rags.  Thank you for your donation!

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Give $45 » Donate a solar lantern that can provide up to six hours of high quality light for a family.

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