This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Kawar can now own a mobile phone!

Kawar Lal with his wife and grandchildren
Dear Tony,

Kawar is thankful to the generous donation of a solar lantern by Anthony as the lantern provides them 2 extra hours of light to run their “Crusher” which is a manual machine for preparing fodder for their cows and buffaloes.

Kawar lives with his wife, son and grandchildren in Munj Ka Pura, a remote village in India where there is no electricity.

Kawar can also use this lantern to charge the family mobile phone, making it easier to stay in touch with relatives in other villages. Before your donation, they had to travel to a village which is 5 kilometres away and pay to charge their phone. Thanks Anthony for your support of Kawar and his family!

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Give $45 » Donate a solar lantern that can provide up to six hours of high quality light for a family.

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