This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Solar Lantern brings light to Ballabh Bai’s life!

Ballabh Bai with her children
Dear Scott,

Ballabh Bai is a widow with three girls, Rekha, Leela and Manju. They live in a remote village in Rajasthan, India called Munj-ka-Pura. She lost her husband when the children were very young. There was darkness all around in her life. She did not know how to bring up her children but being courageous she decided to work in the fields and bring them up.

There is no electricity in this tiny village and people depend on kerosene lamps for their light. The money she earned was not enough to light the oil lamps for many hours. Therefore she managed with very little. The generous donation of a Solar Lantern from Scott has brought light into her life and she found that the children also perked up and started studying at home.

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