This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

An Oil Lamp Replaced by Solar Power!

Dinesh and Vishnu with their new Solar Lantern

Dinesh and Vishnu with their new Solar Lantern

Since Dinesh and Vishnu were born the only light they have seen in their home was an oil lamp and that too was burned only for a few hours as their parents could not afford the expensive oil. They live in the small village called Munj ka Pura in Rajasthan where there has been no electricity for over 100 years. Then came a gift from Neil, they saw people come and put a pole in their home and something which looked like a board (solar panel) a wire from there came inside the house and it went into a Lantern which was put in their home. The light that night was bright and the two children kept waiting and looking at each other in sheer delight. The parents heard one child telling the other “the oil in this lamp doesn’t seem to finish”.  Thank you Neil!

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