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Bane Singh’s songs light up his life

Bane Singh and his family with the solar panel behind them

Bane Singh and his family with the solar panel behind them

Bane Singh has a lovely voice and sings devotional songs for all the major festivals like Diwali, Holi and Dusshera in his village Munj Ka Pura which lies on the border of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in India. He lives with his father Narwe Singh, mother Kaushalya Bai, wife Radha Bai and a son Nain Singh. The family’s monthly income like all others in this tiny village is a meager Rs. 500 (US $10). He cannot afford to send his son for studies with this income. He mainly spends time practicing songs and playing his harmonium while his father works in the fields. Out of devotion he does not charge any amount for the entertainment he provides to people during the festival time. With the generous donation of a Solar Lantern from Adrian and the efforts of The Restoring Force he can now work in the fields during daytime and practice his harmonium for a few hours in the evening, thereby increasing the family income and also send his son to school.

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