This impact story was published by The Restoring Force. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

A new lantern has helped Vandana improve her grades!

Vandana using her new solar lantern!

Vandana is studying in a local college towards her Bachelor of Arts degree. She is a good student, who puts in a lot of effort into her work. Her marks do not, however, always reflect her potential, because frequent power cuts make it difficult for her to study. In 12th grade, he was only able to score 70%, as her studies were often interrupted due to the lack of high quality light in her home.

Vandana, like many students living in rural villages, once struggled to complete her homework as her village has no electricity, but now that she has a solar lantern, she is able to spend more time on her studies, and is hopeful that her grades will improve.  TRF works with villages like Vandanas’ and provides families with low cost, high quality solar lamps, improving their health and their quality of life!

Thank you, Karen, for your gift of a solar lantern. It will allow the studious Vandana to study late into the night, and do better in her examination.

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Give $45 » Donate a solar lantern that can provide up to six hours of high quality light for a family.

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